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Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

                            Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns

Key insights from Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns 

Emotional Reasoning-Our mind is always very critical of ourselves, Most times we deem things as true just because our mind tells us, even when it's not factually correct.

You can change your mood by finding how to restructure your thoughts

How we feel is also determined by our self worth.

    When you are angry ask yourself:-

  1. Is my anger useful?
  2. Does it help me achieve the desired goal?
  3. does it simply defeat me?

Replace ‘should’ with ‘it would be nice if.

When you have a bad day,Write it down and explore your thoughts.

    When you have a negative thought ask yourself and write down

  1. What thoughts are going through my mind right now?
  2. What am I saying to myself?
  3. Why is this upsetting me?

Three Column method to change the way you think and talk to yourself

My favourite part of the book, however, is when he said to buy a tally counter wristwatch and tally it every time a negative thought crosses our mind and to write down the scores at the end of each day and compare it.

“When a genuinely negative event occurs, your emotions will be created exclusively by your thoughts and perceptions. Your feelings will result from the meaning you attach to what happens. A substantial portion of your suffering will be due to the distortions in your thoughts. When you eliminate these distortions, you will find that coping with the ‘real problem’ will become less painful.”

“Your feelings of hopelessness and total despair are just symptoms of depressive illness, not facts.”

Thats it!Thank you for reading!


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